- Tabbed browsing, a faster alternative to multi-window browsing.
- When you open a link in a new tab, you can continue reading or clicking links in the original tab while the linked page loads.
- Unlike new browser windows, new tabs open instantly.
- You can quickly open a link in a new tab by Ctrl+clicking or middle-clicking the link.
- You can "undo" accidentally closing a tab.
- Control. Firefox blocks unrequested pop-ups and never allows web pages to create hard-to-close full-screen windows. Firefox gives you options to prevent web sites from resizing and focusing windows.
- Security. Malicious web sites can never install spyware without your permission. Wank in peace.
- Privacy. Everything you might want to clear in order to cover your tracks -- cookies, cache, download history, history -- is in one place in Options. Firefox even provides a "Clear All" button to clear all of this information quickly.
- Extensibility. The Pornzilla bookmarklets and extensions can improve your porn surfing experience far beyond what any browser vendor would dare.
- New windows open quickly.
- When you download a file and Firefox asks you to select a download filename and location, it starts downloading the file while it waits for your response.
- You can save video clips quickly by Alt+clicking the (thumbnail) link to the video clip. If you save video clips this way, Firefox won't even prompt you for a filename (unless you select "Ask me where to save every file" in the "Downloads" section of Firefox's Options).
- You can control whether videos are displayed in the browser window or saved in the "Downloads" section of Firefox's options.
- File > Save As... works for movies being displayed by the Quicktime plug-in.
- All visited URLs are shown in location bar autocomplete, so you can quickly see which galleries and which images you've seen within a given site.
- While using Firefox, you won't accidentally set a porn image as your desktop wallpaper. (Firefox has a "set as wallpaper" feature, but it asks whether you want the image tiled or stretched, and the dialog has a "Cancel" button.)
- Firefox has an image-rendering library called "libpr0n" and a cute, unofficial mascot named Firefox-ko. Firefox grew out the Mozilla Suite, whose codename is "Seamonkey" (see monkey). One of Mozilla's slogans is "free the lizard".